Something is afoot in the LNC & LPHQ
After the notable expulsion Angela Keaton the LP then just 3 months later, has removed Lee Wrights after alleging he forgot to pay his dues, as a regular party member it would be understandable if I forgot & the LP didn't call me. But Lee wasn't rank & file, he was on the LNC, they knew how to get a hold of him, had they wanted to.
By Rachel Hawkridge
Once again, some of our National Committee is trying to expel a lifelong freedom fighter, dedicated activist, and Libertarian National Committee member.
First, it was Angela Keaton - TWO valuable meetings were consumed with abusing her. Now the target is Lee Wrights. (If you haven't heard - the posted eMails from Secretary and Chair to Lee are factually correct here
Within one hour, Lee was notified, and then his seat was offered up to the State Chairs list. Staff claims to have sent 2 snail mail notices, but Lee has moved recently. Meanwhile, other members receive eMail notifications that their memberships are about to lapse. And Lee's eMail address and phone number haven't changed in some time - both Staff and the Committee have those . . . they *were* on the LP Leadership page. By the time I got to the eMail that announced a vacancy (1 hour later), Lee's name and picture had already been removed from the website.
Lee has just revealed that the eMail address that HQ had in the database for him was one that he has never given to the LP, and hasn't used for years. The office sent out a spreadsheet with contact information for the entire LNC, and my own eMail address was incorrect, despite the fact that my correct address was on the LP Leadership webpage(like Lee's).
It seems to point to a systematic purge. And sets a precedent - if some of the Committee don't like you, no matter that you were elected by a majority at National Convention, that you have poured heart, soul, Time, Treasure and Sacred Honor into the movement, the party, the people - you can be picked off, expelled by someone who feels that they have the authority to decide.
You, or your favorite activist, could be elected to LNC, dedicate vast amounts of Time, Treasure and Sacred Honor to Liberty, and then have staff either lose your contact information, or lose your dues check, or forget to change your renewal date, and open your eMail one day to find you've been expelled.
If you are involved with the Libertarian Party, then please take a moment to write a fresh note (no forwards, please!), and send it to the LNC. Blind CC: your LP friends and acquaintances that feel the same way you do.
Thanks for your support! :o)
Outline your history with the LP; I've been a member of LPWA for 15 years, voted LP for 10 years before that, I was a delegate to Denver, Portland, etc; I've always considered myself a libertarian. I've been a candidate and got votes in my race. I've given money and many hours to LP over the last 15 years.
I am sick and tired of the fighting, and I want it to stop. I'll be ending my (contribution, involvement, support for, whatever) if you do not stop the attempts to purge valuable activists.
I plan to be at Convention 2010 . . . and voting my values . . .
Please keep your letters professional, respectful and credible. Personalize them say what is true for you.
Send them to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
If you can, consider coming to St. Louis for the July 2009 LNC meeting.
We are now set up for you to make reservations for the next LNC Meeting July 18th and 19th in St. Louis.
The hotel is the same as our convention hotel:
Renaissance St. Louis Grand & Suites Hotel
Toll-free: 1-800-397-1282
Follow the links below to make your reservation. The reservation screen is on your right side and it will be pre-filled with our group discount code which is: lnclnca
The hotel is $3.50 cent ride way from the airport via the Metrolink Subway. Transportation info is located here:
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